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EGI EEG system //

The EGI EEG System is a net-based system pictured to the right.  It uses HydroCel electrodes on a geodesic sensor net.  We currently have the 128 channel net for heads sized for infants (42-43cm, 44-47cm, 47-51cm) and adults (55-58cm).  EGI Support: supportteam@egi.com

Advantages of the EGI System:
- Significantly shorter prep time, which means easier for subjects and RAs
- Includes VEOG & HEOG measurements in the system
- Easier and faster impedance testing and fixing

Potential drawbacks:
- Smaller range of head sizes accommodated
- Pressure on face can be difficult for some populations to tolerate (e.g., claustrophobic subjects)
- Data is collected independently of MEG data (triggers are sent to both systems from the Presentation computer, but the EEG data will be in a separate file, in the EGI file format).